Androgynous muses in the form of Agyness Deyn have taken a back seat and the new faces of beauty and everything that is innovative and fresh have emerged onto the top catwalks for menswear AND womenswear this season. As seen on catwalks such as Jean Paul Gaultier, John Galliano and Raf Simons to name a few...
When asked if he minded being the only male on an all female catwalk Andrej replied the "I don't mind really, as long as it's creative" - spoken like a true lover of the arts and creativity.
He also admitted that the reason for his new found success was probably due to the fact that "people in the industry get bored easily..., and every so often they need a new toy to play with".
People have been trying to come up with pronouns to describe this new form of fe/male crossbreed of person.... such as 'hir', 'zhe', 'zher', 'zhim' ( none of which have really caught on with the general english speaking population) since the 19th century, but who knows, we may now see a revival of these phrases to describe this new crossbreed of male and female that i predict will become the new 'in' thing to be/do....
Watch this space boys/girls
(how about b-irls?/ g-oys? - doesnt have the best ring to it!)
Sarah@Have2haveStyle xXx
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